Billing & Rating

Jet's advanced billing and rating provides unparalleled flexibility in creating of pricebooks and plan structures


Jet presents invoices and receipts as PDF files. In standard usage, invoices are automatically e-mailed to customers as they are created, permitting completely automated, hands-off billing. Automatic delivery of invoices may be switched off if desired (for example, if invoices are to be printed and posted rather than delivered electronically).

PDF invoices can be modified in certain pre-defined ways (logo, colours, watermark) via the web-based interface to reflect the organisational style. More complex invoices including graphical representation of data, and advertising materials can also be provided by Obsidian.Figures


Jet uses the concept of realms to designate a unique pool of users within a Jet installation. In general a realm normally corresponds to a single domain name, or a single geographical region.

Each realm is a completely separate space within Jet, with its own management interface, etc. In conjunction with the branding module, this allows realms to have their own look and feel, their own plans, their own credit card gateway, etc. - to basically be their own system.

Usage within a realm is generally aggregated and billed against a user (customer) in the default realm, so that the provider can bill the realm owner (VISP) for all usage under a plan defined by the provider.

The two most common uses for realms are:

  • An ASP/wholesale environment, where the provider wishes to allow others to on-sell their resources - each customer (VISP) would have their own realm with their own domain name, and be able to manage their own customer, plans, etc. entirely independently of anyone other customer.

  • External authentication, where the provider wishes to authenticate users against an external system, such as a third-party radius server, etc.


Jet includes a range of APIs and protocols to facilitate user provisioning, including:

  • SSH/Telnet

  • HTTP

  • RADIUS file


  • FTP

  • SMTP (e-mail)

  • LDAP

  • Command line tools

Jet's flexible API and built-in hooks allow you to trigger arbitrary actions on almost any system event, such as sending a welcome e-mail on account creation, sending warning e-mails when a user exceeds a % of their usage, and automatically suspend overdue accounts.

System trigger events include, account creation, suspension, deletion, detail changes, password changes and plan changes.